Thursday, September 2, 2010

For lack of power

From the first time that Europeans tasted sugar and spices, were engaged. The European diet, which consisted mainly of food bland and tasteless, he needed to increase and foreign spices, submitted. However, the costs of these foreign products has been immense, as they would from India, China to take, and the surrounding regions through a politically difficult for Constantinople, or a difficult route around the Cape of Africa. Both methodsexpensive and not very dangerous, and profits have been reduced in force for the provider, as high transaction costs could not be passed on to consumers, as the market niche that the product may be sold by an increase in purchase price . As such a new route was absolutely necessary by the merchants and the European economy. Finding such a path would be to win not only the discoverer great riches and fame, but also the nation that he represents a nation as such, control may be on the route. TheSearch has been am

The main purpose of the voyage of Christopher Columbus' across the Atlantic was to discover such a path. Could, however, what actually discovered the greatest success in history as the error. Columbus is not only food source of wealth in the form of slaves and abroad, but also discovered a continent, without the knowledge of European citizens at the time, a continent, the profit would soon be dubbed "The New World" with its indigenous peoples, culture andOpportunities for exploitation.

While Columbus would have been satisfied, the New World, those who wanted to finance his trip to Christianize have something tangible. Columbus, the people of the realization of this new world were naïve to the ways of the European Parliament and began to exploit the American Indian. Thousands were enslaved and sent back to Europe. Token amounts of gold have been returned, although the area was much richer in silver. Sugar, and food were sent abroad, spicesback. Quickly recognized the power in Europe, they stand to gain much from the exploitation of the New World, and rushed at the chance, especially in Spain.

It 'was this realization, desire more power-hungry, money and fame that created the fundamental conflict between the Old and New World. Without such an insatiable greed for money and slaves, the conflict is not to the point that they were expelled, but applied for a large period of time. NotMotive power would like greed, it seems, to win the money train from the coffers of kings and queens, to finance further expeditions, especially when you could stand to double what they are stuck, or even longer knew. Cargo is still flooded from the New World, the conquistadors and increasingly began on the shores of North and South America with the intention of acquiring wealth and power for themselves, together with the further objective Chrisitanizing the "savage" cultures of the AmericanIndians.

In terms of coexistence, such as peace was the reason the Europeans is impossible, what it was. If the reason be to learn from these cultures to create new or contracts, the co-existence was encouraged at how such a relationship was also included in the power of kings and queens of Europe. However, it was much easier to rip and tear and destroy these foreign cultures. Of course, its much easier to use the wealth of the nation to take up any resistance, soits much easier to take the value of a dead man to live. also creates the strangeness of the Inca and Aztec culture to the Europeans a corrosive environment of hatred and violent domination of arrogant American Indians, who would never deleted, persisting even in the early United States. This attitude towards the foreign culture and the ease of use make it impossible to resist the demolition of the indigenous population of Europeans and Americans leftonly the burning remains of their cities, once great.

One can say that from the earliest days of European taste for spices and sugar from the Far East, North and South America were doomed to failure. This lust for power and money to bring the rapid expansion of European culture in America, and when the kings and queens of Europe, such as power and wealth they had for the taking, could not be satisfied with this desire, and nothing stopped by treading the European Union through the North and South America.

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