Friday, October 8, 2010

Soul Food, traditions and healthy life

Keep your soul in your heart and health in your life

Soul Food is delicious, simple, friendly, and rooted in tradition. Many soul food recipes - juicy roast chicken, sweet potato pie, rich macaroni and cheese, grilled ribs and sloppy meat, cabbage and ham hock and bacon - had passed through the generations and include cooking ingredients that we know today, are not healthy for us to eat in large quantities. This tradition or honor, is to maintain your health.What should I do?

A casual, traditional soul food holiday gatherings and parties is probably not for you in the long run and that hurt you live your life in balance. However, if you want to eat these foods regularly is what we found:

Traditional soul food can be:
- Obesity
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Heart Problems

Problems with the traditional Soul Food:
- Altacalories
- Foods cooked with lard & saturated fat
- Recipes heavily seasoned with salt and sugar
- Use of fatty meats
- High in cholesterol

If you choose to eat a traditional soul food meal, try to do the following:
- Exercise
- Make your next meal one filled with fiber
- Drink tea
- Avoid bad foods, fast food, and sodas

Some Traditional soul food can be healthy:
- Collard greens - good source of fiber, vitamins and Minerals
- Sweet potatoes - excellent source of beta-carotene
- Meat - provide daily protein and B vitamins

Changing and modifying the recipes, while maintaining the tradition
- Try new types of flour, fat, sugar, spices and - check out our healthy alternatives
- Check the cooking methods - for example, you cook your food more healthy oils at a higher temperature, so food does not absorb extra fat. Try baking or roasting instead ofRoast
- Reduce the size of share
- Add a healthy salads, fresh vegetables, nuts and fruit for a meal - instead of mayonnaise Vegenaise groped.

Healthy Alternatives
- Replace meat with vegetarian products - have you ever Follow Your Heart's Chicken false? I recently had a spicy barbecue sauce and it was yum.
- Instead of white flour, use whole wheat flour. Are you with bread crumbs or flour to coat the meat, add fresh herbs to make your mixSalt
- Replace dairy products with fat-rich alternative to low or no fat. Experiment with soy and almond milk. Whipped cream with condensed milk and soy products are replaced. If you cook with cheese, veggie cheese test
- If your recipe for the eggs, egg substitute 2 for each egg, or try an egg substitute to use a vegetarian, food storage can be found at health Kroger, Whole Foods. If I cook holiday recipes are now use instead of egg substituteEggs, because I prefer the taste, texture and consistency of my baked goods when I do. If your favorite dessert or cakes from the oven, replace the eggs with applesauce.
- Instead of pork, smoked bacon try Fakin 'tempeh or tofu, or smoked turkey
- Replace the lard and butter with canola and olive oil. If you have a butter must be replaced, try Earth Balance Buttery Sticks
- Try to avoid the use of salt. Instead, try using herbs and spices, or try out the relationshipYour secret spices and add less sodium.

Enjoy your family and traditions. Life is to live in balance.

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