Friday, October 15, 2010

Three truth about low-fat, low sugar foods and obesity

1. If sugar-free foods help weight loss, then why not the United States, which is the largest consumption of these foods have the highest incidence of obesity?

2. If free product with very little fat and fat weight loss, then why not the U.S. markets, which have the largest selection of foods low in fat people are the fattest?

3. When people are obese because of their genetic heritage, then why are fat people in any other time in history?

1. When sugaror removed from the "diet" healthy choice "foods to make them less calories, is replaced with artificial sweeteners. These chemicals do not contain calories, but many times sweeter than sugar. tricks intense sweetness of the brain that provides highly seasoned snack low calories and may create a craving for foods high in natural sugars. The sugar-free snacks can encourage the person to eat more, some studies have shown that people choose to drink with artificial Sweeteners to continue to eat more food than usual to subsequent meals. It is also believed that the intense flavors dull the taste, so that a sugary snack like a piece of fruit is less satisfactory "delicious" and the body begins to desire the taste of foods high in processed and high calorie. Studies have shown that children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of sweeteners and sugar to much healthier, smaller amounts of course> Food for kids, and I'm everything (including drinks) with artificial sweeteners in

2. Fat is a bit of feel good, the food is even more enjoyable experience. Think thick to spread on the difference between a dry cracker, a cracker with butter or cheese. Low-fat foods are stripped of their fat, and less fun. Do you want money for food, much less good than anything else is to eat alone? No, stuff like food, sugar, salt,Fillers, flavor enhancers and artificial flavors from the bucket in a low-fat products. Not only is it a healthy choice, but people usually eat more foods low in fat than its full fat friend (oh it's low in fat, I might as well ... and another ...). People to choose foods low in fat, consume about 28% more calories than those who are in regular dietary fatty acids. It 'important to remember that a high fat diet is very important for health, is theType of fat we eat, what is important, go for olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish.

3. Many people believe that their weight, their genetic heritage (I was moaning to this in the past, while I was comforting with a packet of custard) is determined. From time to time, the search will open a "fat gene", and there is no doubt that the genetic profile of influencing their size and shape. However, this does not explain the recent problem of obesity. The fattestNation is the United States, where the gene is by most countries of the world drawn, the common denominator is poor diet and reduced physical activity. A study was done in the Pima Indians, a genetic group, half of them live in Arizona and adopted a Western lifestyle and diet, and half of them to maintain a traditional agricultural lifestyle and diet in the mountains Sierra Madre. Do not be surprised to learn that the group who suffered with the Western lifestyle of an epidemic ofObesity and type 2 diabetes, which, like their cousins who still work the land and eat traditional foods have a low incidence of obesity and associated problems. The message is that some people have a genetically predetermined risk of overweight and suffer from diseases when they are exposed to poor diet and physical inactivity. For this group, it is essential that they refuse to processed foods and exercise regularly (instead of wine in a cup of hot chocolateand marshmallows).

the desire to maintain a healthy and balanced weight distribution is in, to make decisions in such a way that you live, eat, fresh, healthy and a balanced diet, removal of processed food and increasing activity. If a "bad" foods for diet products is not doing anything to re-educate the body and mind the need to comfort eat out to reward yourself and indulge. "Eating low-sugar and low-fat foods can as a virtuoso, who let out a jumbo Tobleronedown (and I've been so good all week) or eat a bit 'too good with food. Dietetic are a lie, are not healthy, and encourage us to believe that we have to pay the consequences of what we do without it, but the joke is that you probably make you gain weight at the end. Genetics can not be held responsible for weight gain, fat is defined as the amount of calories will be the largest amount of calories. The answer is on a diet consisting of freshly prepared foodunprocessed food and stay as active as possible. Do not cheat the diet, question your need for cookies, cakes and chips, and choose a healthier alternative, a bowl of strawberries and a tablespoon of plain yogurt is really tasty as a low-fat chocolate pudding, and you can second!

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