Monday, October 11, 2010

Training Your Brain for Success - some foods Make You Smarter?

Recent research shows that certain foods such as nuts and seeds, can boost your self-esteem and stabilize your mood. Believe it or not, if you have large quantities of a certain kind of nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc.) and eat the seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.) are balance experience of mind and start to become clearer and be happier.

Many modern scientists use the term "brain food" for nuts and seeds and other foods. It is no accidentnuts that look like our brains. For example, hard shell of a walnut looks like our skull. Inside the nut, the thin layer, the two halves of the nut appears that our colleague brain membrane. And the two sides of the mother, the two hemispheres of the brain.

It 's a coincidence that a food in the shape of the human brain, a look at "food for thought" and is proven to work in the brain more effectively, while stabilizing your mood?

Here's another fact. Most nuts are off on offat least 20% protein and contain omega-6 fatty acids, large amounts of vitamin E and B6. These powerful elements in nuts and seeds are included, could improve the mood in a manner similar to antidepressants known chemicals. There are hundreds of reports of antidepressant effects of walnuts.

E 'possible to defeat the conditions not as bad as mild depression, anxiety and stress by eating certain types of nuts, without any kind of chemical drugs? It 's a good idea to eatNuts, if you feel moody or make you feel bad. It would be best to do the diet of these "Brain food" is an important part of your own. But when it comes to serious mental disorders (major depression, panic attacks) is not simply rely on nuts and seeds in order to overcome the problem.

What do nuts and seeds to enhance and strengthen the nervous system such as work, balance your mood. Although nuts are excellent natural anti-depressants and have no side effects, diet alonecan not substitute for the care of a qualified medical professional. The treatment of serious disease should also extend to medical specialists.

Now, some historical information on these "Brain Foods".

It is true that nuts and seeds is an essential part of our ancestors and elegant on a diet? This is true for all the ancient civilizations of the world. It is a coincidence? Years of research have shown that 70% of our ancestral diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and wereselected seeds. Diets on the basis of this disease, "Brain Foods" were and to improve mental ability and the risk of infection.

Start today. Understand that nuts and seeds to strengthen the brain and the body and lift the mood and energy. Making the rich "food" is an important part of the diet.

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