Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The basic philosophy of Japan National Beverage

For the Japanese tea is much more than a pleasant drink. It is a religion, a way of life, and serving and drinking is a cultural movement complex. tea ceremonies are so complex that many Japanese themselves do not always understand what is happening in them.

Tea was the 12th Century in Japan, introduced Zen Buddhism. monks to drink to help them stay awake during long periods of meditation. Then spread the practice of drinking tea to topClasses, where he soon came into fashion. Tea was served in a specially built house, about 3 meters (9 feet) square, surrounded by elaborate rituals to induce a feeling of calm and peace among the guests carefully selected.

Tea is only drunk by the upper classes - all the drinks. But still the heart of Japanese society and professional tea masters, the ceremony, are highly regarded. Great attention is paid to all aspects of the ceremony for four hours -the setting, decorations, utensils, textures of food, tea and even the choice of the conversation to go with it, has no chance of being. The importance of tea is so great that many Japanese girls does not see fit for marriage until they have all learned from the assignment of labyrinthine complexity.

Geisha, female entertainers skilled in the arts of singing, dancing and playing the samisen (three-stringed Japanese guitar), demonstratingtheir skills in the subtle and complex tea ceremony.

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